Commercial material, ongoing content for retail and social media and campaign concept creation for Alko.

Alko is the national alcoholic beverage retailing company in Finland. It is the only store in the country which retails alcoholic beverages over 5.5%. However, its ultimate task is to reduce alcohol-related harm and alcohol abuse in Finland.

ROLE: Designer
TEAM: Ville Ohtonen, Markus Nieminen, Lasse Kangasmaa, Ella Komulainen, Atso Wilén, Otto Kilpiö, Nelli Pätäri

Alkotoive – Campaign

Alko’s assortment includes more than 10,000 products – a single Alko can only fit a small part of them on its shelves. Together with our team and client, we created a campaign called Alkotoive (“Alko wish”), where consumers can wish products from Alko’s assortment to their local Alko. This way, all the 360+ Alko’s all over Finland can become more localised with what they have on their shelves.

We created a coherent campaign identity. It included prints, videos and still images for social media, as well as display advertisement and in-store videos and prints.

Glövikki – Marmalade made from surplus mulled wine

Glühwein is a traditional drink only drank during winter, especially Christmas. A lot of it goes to waste every year. That’s why Alko made traditional holiday sweets from surplus glühwein from the year before. Glövikki got 25 media hits which potentially reached over 9,8M people.

Illustrations & Visuals & Motion graphics

A miscellaneous set of illustrations and motion graphics for Alko’s digital screens, social media and website.